SPCP Membership

The Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals membership represents professionals in the industry who are dedicated to promoting the ideals and standards of the SPCP, offering permanent cosmetics that are conducted in accordance with safety standards specific to the permanent cosmetic process, and those who stay abreast of and participate in industry activities.

The Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals is dedicated to promoting permanent makeup safety, excellence, and professional standards by providing education, certification, and industry guidelines.

Permanent cosmetic, permanent makeup, or micropigmentation; although the titles describing the service may differ within the industry, the service is the same – cosmetic tattooing. Permanent cosmetics is a specialized service within mainstream beauty industries offering everyone the opportunity to look their best at all times or to look to the permanent cosmetic service to assist with overcoming the results of medical procedures or trauma to the skin.

The SPCP membership represents professionals in the industry who are dedicated to promoting the ideals and standards of the SPCP, offering permanent cosmetics that are conducted in accordance with safety standards specific to the permanent cosmetic process, and those who stay abreast of and participate in industry activities.

Walking in concert with simplicity, the ABC’s of SPCP membership are:



The SPCP is a professionally staffed organization. The administrative lineup is impressive and there to serve the needs of our members. Administration reports to the Board of Directors, which is comprised of elected permanent cosmetic professionals who serve the membership for term periods. They collectively and continually review the demands of the industry and how our members can be best served.



The benefits of SPCP membership are innumerable. Included are significant discounts by top industry suppliers exclusively for SPCP members. Administration and the Board of Directors periodically review the benefits package for our members to ensure collaboration on important educational event structures, products offered, publications provided, networking opportunities, Subject Matter Expert contacts, and a host of other benefits our members enjoy and depend upon.



Permanent Cosmetics Technician Certification is a critical element associated with professional permanent cosmetic services. The general public, regulators, and those in related industries recognize professional certification to indicate the permanent cosmetic (permanent makeup) professional demonstrates sound fundamental knowledge. Having been tested against their peers, these highly regarded professionals are proudly displaying their CPCP credentials as a mark of distinction.

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